
PELLET B is the The POST Entry‐Level Law Enforcement Test Battery in the state of California. Individuals who wish to enter a basic recruit training program for law enforcement such as the CHP, your county Sheriff departments or corrections in the state of California should consider our PELLET B test Practice tests and Exam prep materials.  Our online Exam Prep focuses on the written  test and goes beyond the written test by covering the hiring agency Interview.

PELLET B, specifically the new 2025 updated version of PELLET B exam measures skills that are  associated with successful performance as a California peace officer.

We have the new 2025 PELLET B test prep and interview prep materials to help you score higher at the written exam and the oral interview conducted by the hiring agency.

It is crucial to obtain a high score during these tests. This will ensure that you rank among the best candidates, at the top of the applicants' eligibility list and it will increase your chances of being selected and recruited. Don't forget that you are competing against many other candidates!

2 easy steps to sign up for our POST PELLET B Test Prep:

Step 1- Click on the "Sign Up" button on this page, you'll be directed to account creation page of our partner school californiarealestatelicenseschool.com  which hosts real estate and law enforcement test preps on their server including our PELLET B test prep.

Step 2- On the Register page, enter your name, email, and password and choose your subscription level: Select PELLET B Test Prep  and finish by processing the payment. At this stage, you should have access to the premium content so click on the PELLET B Test Prep Tab in the menu and access all the practice materials, multiple choice PELLET B Test Prep practice tests, flashcards and video tutorials.

The first two components of the PELLETB focus on language ability: one evaluates writing ability  and the other tests reading ability. The writing component of the test measures clarity,  vocabulary, and spelling. The reading component measures reading comprehension.   Writing Ability Each of the three  writing sub‐tests contains 15 items. In the  clarity sub‐test , two sentences are  presented the test‐taker is asked to identify which sentence is most clearly and correctly  written. Only common writing errors such as unclear references, misplaced modifiers, sentence  fragments, and run‐on sentences, are included in the clarity portion of the exam.   The  spelling sub‐test  uses a standard multiple‐choice format. A sentence is given with one word  omitted. A blank indicates the location of the omitted word. Four alternative spellings of the  same word are given. The test‐taker is asked to identify the word that is correctly spelled for  the given context.    The  vocabulary sub‐test  also uses a standard multiple‐choice format. One word in a sentence is  underlined a nd the test‐taker is instructed to select the alternative that is the most accurate  synonym or definition. The words included in the spelling and vocabulary tests are common  words that are likely to be encountered in law enforcement work.    2  Reading Ability Reading ability is measured through the use of two sub‐tests. The first is a 20‐item  reading  comprehension sub‐test . This sub‐test presents passages which vary in length from a single  paragraph to one page. After reading the passage, test‐takers answer multiple‐choice questions  about the information contained in the passage. All passages cover common concepts and  contain the information necessary to answer the questions.   The second measure of reading ability is the 40‐item  CLOZE sub‐test . Test‐takers  are presented  with a passage of text. In each passage, the first and last sentences of the passage are  complete. Between the first and last sentences, every seventh word is systematically deleted  from the text. No word is deleted that cannot be deduced from context. In place of each  deleted word is a dashed line. Each dash represents one letter in the deleted word. The test  taker must use contextual clues to determine what words would logically complete the  passage. The word must come from the test‐taker's  vocabulary as no alternative words or lists  of words are presented in the test. A word is considered correct if it is syntactically correct and  semantically appropriate (i.e., words selected by the test‐taker must be the right part of speech  and must make sense in the passage). In some instances, there is more than one correct  response; in others, only one word can correctly fill the blank. In instances where more than  one word is correct, the test‐taker receives credit as long as he/she selects a word tha t fits  within the context. 

Our PELLET B Practice test Prep material contains video tutorials, flashcards to study along with hundreds of practice test questions and answers via a mobile-friendly website and server. Your preparation experience will be faster and more enjoyable using our latest eLearning technology. Since more than a decade, we have helped thousands of applicants successfully earn their badge, land their dream job and ultimately protect and serve their communities.

Our PELLET B Practice Exam materials have been used successfully by many Police Officers, Correctional Officers and other Law Enforcement professionals in the state of California.

Take action today and sign-up to get a solid preparation including interactive multiple choice practice tests, many flashcards to study and step by step video tutorial on how to ace your agency oral Interview.

2 easy steps to sign up for our POST PELLET B Test Prep:

Step 1- Click on the "Sign Up" button on this page, you'll be directed to account creation page of our partner school californiarealestatelicenseschool.com  which hosts real estate and law enforcement test preps on their server including ourPELLET B test prep.

Step 2- On the Register page, enter your name, email, and password and choose your subscription level: Select PELLET B Test Prep  and finish by processing the payment. At this stage, you should have access to the premium content so click on thePELLET B Test Prep Tab in the menu and access all the practice materials, multiple choice PELLET B Test Prep practice tests, flashcards and video tutorials.

Background Investigation and Polygraph Exam

Prior to the Initial Background you will be required to complete Personal History Statement, which requires the compilation of extensive biographical information. On the day of the Initial Background, a background investigator will review the Personal History Statement and interview you about any issues noted. You will also be fingerprinted. If, based on the information obtained, it appears that you may meet the agency's background standards, a thorough field investigation will be conducted. The field investigation includes checks of employment, police, financial, education, and military records and interviews with family members, neighbors, supervisors, co-workers, and friends. The investigation may take from 60 to 180 days to complete. You will be evaluated on your past behavior and the extent to which your behavior demonstrates positive traits that support your candidacy for a Law Enforcement Officer position. The findings of the background investigation are kept by the background investigator in a confidential manner.

Plain talk about this test part: Honesty is the best policy. Everyone has done things they're not proud of, but the worst possible action is to try to cover it up. Please take time to carefully evaluate your background and experiences before you get started. 

Quick Tips

Background Standards

The Background Standards for public safety positions in the State of California reflect the very high standards demanded of candidates for public safety job classifications and safety sensitive positions within the agency's service. They are designed to identify the kinds of behaviors which are required of Public Safety Officers serving the citizens of the state of California. Each candidate's past choices, judgments, and behaviors will be compared to these demanding standards. Candidates who fall short of demonstrating consistently sound decision making, maturity, and responsible past behaviors in each of these areas will not be further considered for employment in these critical positions.

Each Standard represents an area that is essential for success in public safety employment. Positions such as Police Officer, Police Specialist, Port Police Officer, Correctional Officer, Probation Officer, Special Officer, and Firefighter, along with other public safety positions designated by the Agency's Manager, are positions of special public trust for which these exacting standards have been designed. Each Law Enforcement Agency identifies and selects only those individuals with the highest chance of success in their training and in continuing employment in these critical positions.

Candidates are asked to critically assess their own background in light of these Standards before beginning the examination process.



Public Safety Officers must be able to draw on extraordinary levels of tact and diplomacy to achieve their goals while dealing with the diverse population of the State of California. They must be able to use advice, appropriate warnings and persuasion to engender cooperation from the public. Additionally, they must be able to work effectively either as an individual or as a member of a larger team. Each candidate shall demonstrate an understanding of the skills necessary to deal effectively with others in a cooperative and courteous manner. Desired behaviors may include, but are not limited to:


Public Safety Officers must possess extraordinarily good sense and must demonstrate through their past behavior that they can analyze a situation quickly, make sound and responsible decisions, and take appropriate action. Desired behaviors may include, but are not limited to the ability to:


Public Safety Officers must present a background which demonstrates maturity and readiness for such employment. Their past choices must be free from behavior inappropriate to the position being sought. A significant degree of personal discipline must be displayed to ensure that candidates can consistently refrain from taking actions which may be detrimental to their own health and well-being or the health and well-being of others. They must be able to maintain their composure and stay in control during critical situations, maintain a positive attitude, and accept constructive criticism without becoming defensive. Desired behaviors may include, but are not limited to the ability to:


Public Safety Officers are required to demonstrate the highest possible personal integrity through their honesty and ethical conduct. They must be able to maintain high standards of personal conduct, abide by the law, and demonstrate attributes such as truthfulness and fairness in relationships with others. Each candidate must demonstrate a willingness to work within "the system". Examples of behaviors which meet this standard include, but are not limited to:


Public Safety Officers are required to demonstrate the ability to set and achieve personal and professional goals. Candidates for public safety positions can best position themselves for positive consideration through continuing achievement in the workplace, educational environment, volunteer activities and/or community involvement. Each candidate must demonstrate initiative and the ability to follow through on all commitments without constant supervision and detailed instruction. Candidates have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to set and achieve goals, their ability to work in a diligent, reliable, and conscientious manner in accordance with specific rules and policies, and their readiness for, and commitment to, public service through the following:


Candidates for public safety positions are held to exacting standards of behavior throughout all aspects of their lives. Candidates can expect specific inquiry to be made into their past behavior regarding:

It is in every candidate's best interest to be completely forthcoming and truthful during the background investigation process. Many candidates are disqualified during the background portion of the selection process as a result of dishonesty. These candidates purposely omit information they think will result in their removal from the selection process, when that may not have been the case. When this information is later discovered during the background investigation, the candidate is disqualified, but not necessarily for the behavior he or she failed to disclose. Rather, the candidate is disqualified for what the failure to provide complete, accurate, and honest information reveals about his or her character.

Agencies may require a Polygraph Examination to be conducted to confirm information obtained during the selection process.

Plain talk about this test part: For some, this is the most frightening part of the examination. Relax, be yourself, and tell the truth.

Quick Tips


Psychological Evaluation

The Psychological Evaluation consists of an individual oral interview and evaluation by a psychologist on factors related to successful performance in the difficult and stressful job of Law Enforcement Officer. The information evaluated includes the written psychological tests completed during the medical evaluation along with information obtained in the background investigation process.

Plain talk about this test part: If you know you had prior treatment or a major injury, go to your doctor in advance and bring your records with you to the examination.


2 easy steps to sign up for our POST PELLET B Test Prep:

Step 1- Click on the "Sign Up" button on this page, you'll be directed to account creation page of our partner school californiarealestatelicenseschool.com  which hosts real estate and law enforcement test preps on their server including our PELLET B test prep.

Step 2- On the Register page, enter your name, email, and password and choose your subscription level: Select PELLET B Test Prep  and finish by processing the payment. At this stage, you should have access to the premium content so click on the PELLET B Test Prep Tab in the menu and access all the practice materials, multiple choice PELLET B Test Prep practice tests, flashcards and video tutorials..






The POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) measures skills that are associated with successful performance as a California peace officer. Because the PELLETB is an aptitude test, the skills measured are acquired gradually over a long period of time (usually years). There is no quick or easy way to improve these skills in preparation for the exam. The only way to predictably improve scores on an aptitude test is through extensive learning and practice (e.g., coursework, training).


Because the PELLETB is primarily a language aptitude test, one must already possess solid language skills to perform well on the test. There are a few exercises that can be helpful in maximizing performance if solid language skills are already in place. This test preparation guide has been developed to provide helpful information about test format and content. This guide explains exactly what is tested in the exam and provides sample questions that can be used for practice. This guide also provides research-based information on the best strategies for answering test questions.




The first two components of the PELLETB focus on language ability: one evaluates writing ability and the other tests reading ability. The writing component of the test measures clarity, vocabulary, and spelling. The reading component measures reading comprehension. The third component of the exam focuses on reasoning ability.


Writing Ability


Each of the three writing sub-tests contains 18 items. In the clarity sub-test, sentences are presented and the test-taker is asked to identify which sentence is most clearly and correctly written. Only common writing errors (e.g., unclear references, misplaced modifiers, sentence fragments, and run-on sentences) are included in the clarity portion of the exam.

The spelling sub-test uses a standard multiple-choice format. A sentence is given with one word omitted. A blank indicates the location of the omitted word. Four alternative spellings of the same word are given. The test-taker is asked to identify the word that is correctly spelled for the given context.

The vocabulary sub-test also uses a standard multiple-choice format. One word in a sentence is underlined and the test-taker is instructed to select the alternative that is the most accurate synonym or definition. The words included in the spelling and vocabulary tests are common words that may be encountered in law enforcement work.

Reading Ability


Reading ability is measured through the use of two sub-tests. The first is a 28-item reading comprehension sub-test. This sub-test presents passages which vary in length from a single paragraph to one page. After reading the passage, test-takers answer multiple-choice questions about the information contained in the passage. All passages cover common concepts and contain the information necessary to answer the questions.

The second measure of reading ability is the 40-item CLOZE sub-test. Test-takers are presented with a passage of text. In each passage, the first and last sentences of the passage are complete. Between the first and last sentences, every seventh word is systematically deleted from the text. No word is deleted that cannot be deduced from context. In place of each deleted word is a dashed line. Each dash represents one letter in the deleted word. The test- taker must use contextual clues to determine what words would logically complete the passage. The word must come from the test-taker's vocabulary as no alternative words or lists of words are presented in the test. A word is considered correct if it is syntactically correct and semantically appropriate (i.e., words selected by the test-taker must be the right part of speech and must make sense in the passage). In some instances, there is more than one correct response; in others, only one word can correctly fill the blank. In instances where more than one word is correct, the test-taker receives credit as long as he/she selects a word that fits within the context.


Reasoning Ability


The reasoning ability sub-test contains 9 items. The reasoning sub-test uses a standard multiple-choice format. Information such as groups or ordered series of facts, numbers, letters, or words are presented. The test taker analyzes information and uses patterns, commonalities, and relationships to answer questions about the information presented.



When POST electronically scans test answers, statistical calculations are performed to convert raw scores (the number of items answered correctly) into a “T-score.” A T-score is a standardized score that places an individual’s performance on the test into a distribution (bell- shaped curve) with a midpoint (average) of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. If the individual’s score falls around 50, his/her performance is considered “average” when compared to other applicants who have taken the test. Scores of 40 or below are considered “below average.” Scores of 60 or above are considered “above average.” Research shows that the likelihood of successful academy completion increases for every point scored above 42.


All responses provided by the test taker are a part of the ongoing analyses of the test battery.


Like many others California Law enforcement agencies, the California Highway Patrol uses the PELLET B as entrance exam, The CHP written exam is the California Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) Entry‐Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB). Although you may have taken a PELLETB in the past with the CHP or another agency, you are required to take the written test with the CHP each time you apply. The CHP passing score is a Total T-score of 48.