Frequently asked questions regarding 2023 Pellet B exam:
1- Can I use the PELLET B Test prep and video tutorials to prepare for the entrance exam for various police or Sheriff department or correctional facilities in the state of California?
Yes, absolutely! we have received many feedback from candidates who used our PELLET B test prep to prepare for the entrance exam at various Police and Sheriff departments located in the state of California.
2- If I sign up to use the test prep, may I ask for a refund later on?
Unfortunately the answer is No. We really wish we could offer all our Test preps for free but realistically speaking, it is not possible. It costs us time and money to create them, Keep in mind that our Test prep materials are developed by experts who are hired and paid by our company to constantly create, contribute and update the content, plus the Practice tests and video tutorials are facilitated through our proprietary online e-learning system hosted on our school partner website and because of the fact that the information provided via the server, the videos created by our instructors and interactive practice tests are classified as premium paid content (not free to the public) access to that material, even for a short period of time, constitutes a consumption of that content, in such cases, all sales are final and there are no refunds granted under any circumstances.
3- I know your PELLET B test prep is great but when is the NYPD test prep material will be available?
The NYPD Test prep is available here: https://californiarealestatelicenseschool.com/register/nypd-police-officer-written-exam-test-prep
4- Are you under a contract or affiliation with the State of California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training also known as POST ?
No, We are a private company. We strive to create the best Law Enforcement test Prep materials on the market and we work with field experts to create and maintain the best test prep currently available.
Any questions/comments regarding our PELLET B test Prep material? Please use this link to the contact form located on our partner school website, please allow 24hrs for a response. Thank you! Click here to get to the contact form.